Match DropMatch Drop4.102565
Drop Match 3Drop Match 33.333335
Fruit Match 2Fruit Match 23.063065
Forest Match 2Forest Match 25
Candy Match 2Candy Match 25
Toy Match 2Toy Match 21.25
City Match 2City Match 25
Halloween Match 3 2Halloween Match 3 23.18182
Candy Match Saga 2Candy Match Saga 25
Panic DropPanic Drop3.401015
Physics DropPhysics Drop3.857145
Drop DunksDrop Dunks4.473685
Drop ItDrop It5
Tasty DropTasty Drop5
Smiley DropSmiley Drop5
2048 Drop2048 Drop5
Ball DropBall Drop5
Drop MeDrop Me2.5
Drip DropDrip Drop0
Red DropRed Drop4.666665
Don't DropDon't Drop3.52941
Drop The NumberDrop The Number5
Drop N MergeDrop N Merge2.5
Drop The ElevatorDrop The Elevator1.25
Drop N MergeDrop N Merge2.5
Drop Stack BallDrop Stack Ball5
Drop Bricks BreakerDrop Bricks Breaker5
Drop The BallDrop The Ball5
Choli Food DropCholi Food Drop3.75
2048 Drag 'n Drop2048 Drag 'n Drop5
Blast Away Ball DropBlast Away Ball Drop3.125
Drop Kick: World Cup 2018Drop Kick: World Cup 20182.933885
Elon Cars: Push And DropElon Cars: Push And Drop5
Don't Drop The White BallDon't Drop The White Ball2
Jewels MatchJewels Match3.24841
Monster MatchMonster Match3.0198
Fruit MatchFruit Match3.430235
Jewel MatchJewel Match4
Color MatchColor Match3.75
Match ArenaMatch Arena4.074075
Chocolate MatchChocolate Match5
Jungle MatchJungle Match4.615385
Color MatchColor Match4.666665
Diamond MatchDiamond Match3.985505
Jewels MatchJewels Match3.75
Match RushMatch Rush3.809525
Mahjong MatchMahjong Match3.5
Zoobies MatchZoobies Match3.333335
Bugs MatchBugs Match2.75
Candy MatchCandy Match1.944445
Colors MatchColors Match3.75
Apartment MatchApartment Match2.70492
Match 4Match 43.636365
Color MatchColor Match2.666665
Candy MatchCandy Match3.333335
Match The EmojiMatch The Emoji5
Holiday MatchHoliday Match2.857145
Match FruitsMatch Fruits4.545455
Tower MatchTower Match5
Jewelry MatchJewelry Match5
Match 3030!Match 3030!5
Emoji MatchEmoji Match0
Jewelry MatchJewelry Match3.333335
Fools MatchFools Match5
Match 3DMatch 3D3.076925
Halloween MatchHalloween Match5
Neon MatchNeon Match5
Match DoodleMatch Doodle0
Memory MatchMemory Match5
Number MatchNumber Match5
Layer MatchLayer Match5
Match 3DMatch 3D4
Math MatchMath Match4
Match AdventureMatch Adventure5
Match ShapesMatch Shapes5
Forest MatchForest Match5
Candy MatchCandy Match3.88889
Tasty MatchTasty Match5
Bug MatchBug Match3.75
Swipe MatchSwipe Match2
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